“Nutrition” does not have to be this nebulous of (often-conflicting) facts and opinions.  It should be simple.  Enter Michael Pollan.  Michael Pollan, a journalist, author and activist who is widely known for his critiques of the Western diet and modern food culture.  He has written several books, including “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “Food Rules”, in which he advocates for a more mindful and sustainable approach to eating.

Pollan’s mantra for a healthy eating is as beautiful as it is simple:  “Eat food, not too much, and mostly plants.”  It’s something anyone can understand, and hopefully get behind.  Let’s take a deeper look:

  • Eat food,” emphasizes the importance of choosing real, whole foods that are minimally processed and free from added chemicals and artificial ingredients. Pollan believes that such foods are healthier and more nourishing than highly processed foods that are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. The industrial food system, by contrast, relies on cheap, highly processed foods made from corn and soy, and for the negative impact it has on human health, animal welfare, and the environment. 
  • Not too much,” is a nod to the importance of portion control. Pollan argues that one of the biggest problems with the Western diet is that people are consuming too much food, which contributes to obesity and other health problems. He encourages people to eat until they are satisfied, but not stuffed, and to be mindful of their portion sizes.
  • And mostly plants,” encourages people to make plants the centerpiece of their meals. Pollan argues that a diet that is rich in plants, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, provides all of the nutrients that the body needs and has been shown to have numerous health benefits. At the same time, he encourages people to limit their intake of animal products and to choose high-quality, sustainable animal products when they do consume them.

In sum, Michael Pollan’s “Eat food, not too much, and mostly plants” philosophy is a simple and effective approach to eating that emphasizes the importance of choosing whole, minimally processed foods, being mindful of portion sizes, and making plants the center of one’s diet.  We suggest you give it a try and see how much better you feel, Healthwise.  If you’re someone trying to loose weight as well, weight loss will simply be a byproduct intentional choices in food. 

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